Lakeside01, iNC
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Project Name: Itanong Kay Ma'am Melba

Partner: URC / USAID

MELBA is a virtual midwife powered by interactive voice response (IVR) technology. It provides information on keeping mothers and babies safe and healthy during pregnancy. MELBA can be accessed by sending a SMS to a designated mobile number. MELBA will then call back the user and deliver messages related to maternal and child health.

MELBA can be implemented in low resource settings to deliver on-demand health information in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas. The IVR technology that supports MELBA can also be customized to deliver other health information for the treatment and management of other diseases like tuberculosis, HIV and others.

[click here for related website]

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Project Name: U4U

Partner: CHSI / POPCOM

Teen pregnancy rates have seen a significant rise over the years with current figures reflecting that about 11% of girls between the ages of 13 and 19 are getting pregnant. In a country where 9 in 10 people own a mobile phone, electronic and mobile technologies offer an opportunity to reach teens with accurate information in adolescent sexuality and reproductive health (ASRH).

The You-for-Youth: Youth Hub for Filipino Teens is an IVR-supported solution that is designed to delivers age-appropriate ASRH messages to target populations. One key objective of this project is to provide teens with accurate and appealing messages that will help them delay sexual debut, prevent teen pregnancy, avoid sexually transmitted infections, complete schooling and encourage economic productivity.

[click here for related website]

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e-Aksyon para sa Kalusugang Pangkalahatan

Partner: Access Health International

The eAKaP Project is an integrated maternal and child healthcare delivery and training for Community Health Teams (CHT) in the Philippines that uses innovative mobile technology tools to expand the capacity of CHTs as the government’s frontline health workers to deliver high quality maternal and child healthcare, and other health-related plans to the poorest Filipino families.

The project provides mobile tablets and trains Community Health Teams to use a Filipino web and mobile application called iCHT (automated Community Health Team).

[click here for related website]

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Project Name: Viesant EMR

Partner: Viesant Pharmaceutical

Viesant EMR is a branded PinoyMD Organizer. This is designed for Viesant Pharmaceutical whose products are mainly ophthalmics. This EMR is for ophthalmology clinics and eye centers.

[click here for related website]

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Convention Apps

Convention App is a customized mobile application for any convention especially medical society conventions. This mobile app serves as a tool for the doctors to manage their schedules during the entire convention. Doctors can do the note taking while attending the chosen sessions. Also, exhibitor's booth can be easily found using the app. Additional functionality of this app is the ability to interact with the Quiz Contest and Trivia Quiz Contest.

These apps are available in both iOS and Android.

These following are the samples apps ELiS have developed for the medical societies.

PAO 2011, PAO 2012

PHA 2013, PHA 2014